Prepping your Closet for Spring
At last!
The warmer weather is inching in, and it is time to consider packing away your Winter wears and freshening up your closet for Spring. There are a few steps we recommend taking when doing your seasonal swap, and we’ve broken it down with our favorite suggestions below. The process does not have to be overwhelming or daunting, but we recommend setting aside a block of time free of distractions and interruptions to ensure you achieve your goals and make the most of your time.
Whether you are making room for new items or simply taking inventory of what you have- now is the time to implement the changes that will make dressing for Spring a breeze!
displaying your favorite items front and center is sure to inspire when you walk into your closet
to fold or to hang? find what works best for your space and routine, and go with that! don’t overcomplicate it.
The first (and most impactful) step is to categorize everything in your closet. We really mean e-v-e-r-y-thing! (Sweaters, jeans, shorts, accessories, etc) This will allow you to identify duplicates and decisively let go of items you do not love or need.
Separate out the items to be donated and those that need repairs. When making tough decisions, allow yourself to release things if you are only holding on to them out of guilt. When editing in our client’s homes, we prefer to eliminate confusion by using white trash bags for donation items and black trash bags for any landfill items.
Place this seasons items on hangers or in drawers while moving out of season items to a bin marked “Seasonal items”
PRO TIP: what to fold, hang, and hide- favorite items should go front and center to inspire you every time you walk in! We prefer to fold bulky items like sweaters and jeans. Workout clothes can be placed in drawers (unless they are part of your daily outfits). Socks and other small items are best tucked away in labeled bins.
Be Intentional
The closet is where we start each day, so it's crucial we begin this process by asking ourself:
What do I love to wear?
What supports the life I live today?
Would I spend money on this today?
If you are uncertain, turn the hanger in the opposite direction or place the item in a marked box and set it aside. Make a calendar reminder on your phone for 3-6 months to reevaluate. Chances are, after you’ve been living with only the items you love, the answer will be clear that it is time to release these pieces.
Remember: The goal is to love every piece in your closet
Take Control
Don't allow clutter to control your space!
Shoes can become an unexpected source of clutter in your closet. Consider practical solutions such as an over the door hanger for casual shoes, scarves, and belts. Visible storage boxes or shelves are another excellent option for keeping shoes out of the way but still accessible.
Out of season items are best boxed up and placed at the top of your closet or stored in another room
When you’re ready to say goodbye:
Assign drawers or baskets for any items that need to be donated or repaired throughout the season
Once they are full- it's time to make your donation trip
Invest for success
The right organizational products can be the key to sustainable success.
upgrade your hangers.
No more dry cleaner hangers! If wood isn’t in the cards just yet, velvet is an affordable and sustainable option
add drawer dividers.
keep your folded items orderly by adding a simple divider
utilize baskets.
find a basket or bin that suits your space and style. label with the items that are best hidden but within reach
stand small bags
we like to use an acrylic standing purse organizer to slide in smaller bags and wallets for easy access