Closet Cleanse Challenge Day 3 : Dressing for your future & zone planning!

Day 3 here we are! You’ve laid an amazing foundation and now it’s time to roll up the sleeves and start designing! So many of you have DIVED IN! And we don’t want to stop the momentum! So for those who finish day three and want to keep moving we’ve linked Day 4 for you below. ❤️

So let’s do this!

We’re going to keep dialing in your personalized style while we begin zone planning a space that helps you create a closet that you will want to shop from every day!

We have to warn you.. after today you may be tempted to zone plan your whole house! Whooo hoo!

After landing on your style words you may find that you need to weed out some pieces that aren’t exactly in line with what you truly want to create and that’s ok! The Link to grab the body type guide is here and it's a huge help if you aren’t quite sure.

Remember, you may be a mix of body types (I am!) but you will feel more dominant in one over the other.

It’s all about balancing your silhouette and helping you feel the most confident you possibly can with your style.

What if everything you put on felt amazing? It can and I want it to for you.

Even the casual pieces can make you feel great.  Stop dressing from your past and start dressing for you and where you are going! 

On that note, let’s talk about the days you are feeling blah and uninspired about getting yourself together. You won’t want to get decked out everyday obviously, but if you grab those sweats, make sure you are intentionally choosing and not going into default mode. Clothes have more effect on you than you realize and they are the quickest way to shift your energy, so if you want to shift out of blah then dress for how you want to feel, not where you currently are. 

My hope is that things are becoming more clear for you and you are getting closer to the style you want to create! Follow Kylie .

Zone planning is designed to make your everyday routines easier and more efficient, enabling you to make the most amount of progress on your daily tasks in the least number of steps. It also allows you to build a customized plan for putting your closet in place. 

This is the last step before we purchase baskets and bins - it’s also the “secret sauce” that sets you up for purchasing the RIGHT organizational product for your items and for your space. Don’t blame us if you get addicted to zone planning :)

Follow the steps below to create your custom closet plan.

Closet Zones are going to allow you to find exactly what you need in the least amount of steps. Standing in your empty space, follow the steps below to create your custom zoning plan:


Things are coming back together! Tomorrow we’re going to guide you through the final steps to complete your closet transformation. You have done some amazing work and we hope that you are proud of yourself! (And don’t forget, for those who are ready to keep moving, you can access Day 4 here!!)

Let us know how day 3 went and feel free to share any challenges and wins that you faced today! We’re here for you and excited to join you on your journey! 

xo, Kylie, Christina & Rebecka 

We’ve got a lot of ideas when it comes to master closets—and we’d love to hear yours! What tricks do you swear by when it comes to organizing your wardrobe? Comment below and let us know.


Closet Cleanse Challenge Day 4 : Putting it all Together


Closet Cleanse Challenge Day 2 : Editing with Intention