Closet Cleanse Challenge Day 2 : Editing with Intention

Welcome to Day 2!! Editing is the process of going through each category, item by item, and deciding what to keep and what to donate or toss. Editing will help you determine what belongs together and what could be used more effectively elsewhere. 

Don’t worry, we aren’t asking you to give it all away or be a minimalist. ;)

Once you’ve edited out the items you can part with, you’ll be able to intentionally and effectively reset your space. The reset (more on this in Day 3) is what will set you up for success long-term.

As you clear and declutter, pay attention to what comes up emotionally.  Are you feeling





Guilt about overspending on things that you haven’t worn? 

This is an important part of the process and it’s often overlooked, but as we mentioned in Day #1, your closet is an intimate place so be prepared for some feelings to pop up.

Take a moment to acknowledge and BREATHE and write your feelings down. You will want to skip this- DON’T.  

Be willing to feel whatever comes up. Sometimes we push away the things we don’t want to feel which only creates resistance. You have permission to let these feelings be seen and then to let them go! Permission granted!!!

Also - Keep in mind your 3 values and 2 style words as you are deciding what to keep, toss and donate as you are editing based on Christina and  Rebecka’s tips. This is how you can start to build a more intentional style! 

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Take the time to consider what items make you feel confident and your BEST self.

That’s where we want to focus!

Oftentimes, once you finish editing, you’ll feel really excited about your “absolute yes” items. And, in seeing them, you’ll likely find it’s easier to release those “maybes.”

Is the item in question triggering negative feelings every time you see it (maybe it’s frustration about post-baby weight that hasn’t come off, or guilt about a hobby you invested in, but haven’t had time to pursue)?

We can’t say it emphatically enough: move it on! Life is made up of many seasons. Set yourself up to appreciate, enjoy and find peace with where you’re at today.

Find some things to release? Don’t mix it up. Use black trash bags for trash and white trash bags for donation. 

Give yourself the time to go through every item in your closet and remove those that no longer serve a purpose. A curated closet stocked with items that truly serve you is going to make you feel excited about what you own. Seeing your things displayed and taken care of is motivation to use and love what you have, rather than running to the store to find something new.

Remember, you have invested your time and energy into changing old habits. You are actively choosing to move forward so that waste is reduced and you can more proactively manage your home. 

At this point in the process, you will be deserving of a major pat on the back. You will have done so much amazing work—setting your home up to be a peaceful respite from the chaos of the world.

Check out our “Graceful Donations” blog post! This will help you if you’re stuck between keeping an item and letting it go. We’ve included tips on where to donate in Austin, TX, questions to ask yourself, and more!

Comment below and let us know what you are most excited about when you think about your completed closet transformation!

Got questions? Drop those below too!


Closet Cleanse Challenge Day 3 : Dressing for your future & zone planning!


Closet Cleanse Challenge Day 1 : Categorizing