4 Tips for an Organized Handbag

Our handbags are more than just a reflection of our personal style….

They hold everything we need to survive while on the go, and, unfortunately, a lot of things we don’t need at all. We’ve all been there - reaching into our handbag to grab our wallet only to pull out our child’s half-eaten snack first. Or hearing our phone ring but unable to find it at the bottom of our purse.

Not only will an organized handbag allow you to easily access your items and, therefore, keep your routine running smoothly while on the go, but it will also protect your investment and extend the life of your handbag. We’re sharing our top organization tips and product recommendations to help you get a handle on your handbag once and for all!

Looking for handbag storage inspiration? Visit The Hillside View blog here!


1.) take an inventory

Approach your handbag the same way you would a space in your home. Take an inventory of everything that’s in there now and categorize those items (receipts, chapsticks, snacks, etc.). Categorizing is the first step in all our projects, click here to learn more about our process.

From there, decide what items need to stay, what needs to be rehomed, and what can be tossed.



Once you know what categories are staying in your handbag, it’s time to designate zones. One way that we like to do this is by investing in products that will help keep different categories separated. 

Zones are areas where specific activities happen

For phone chargers and other cords, we love this Tidy Tech Organizer from Stackers to help eliminate tangled wires. We also recommend designating a specific pocket for your phone to ensure it doesn’t get buried again!

For liquids (hand sanitizer, lotion, foundation, etc.), these clear zippered pouches have saved our handbags from leaks more times than we can count! We love that you can see everything inside, and these pouches work for more than just liquids.

Creating a category for gum and other snacks in a clear zippered pouch will prevent individually wrapped pieces (and potential crumbs!) from gathering at the bottom of your handbag.

pro tip: take your organization to the next level and label your clear zippered pouches!

Having these categories will also help reinforce what actually belongs in your handbag, which brings us to our next tip….


3.) don’t bring it in if it doesn’t belong

This is particularly helpful for the countless receipts that can accumulate in our handbags and wallets. When you receive a receipt, make a decision right then to either throw it away immediately or save to file away at home.


4.) Maintain

We recommend establishing a routine (weekly works well) to clean out your handbag and wallet. This is the time to file away any important receipts and throw away any that accidentally made their way in. Other tasks to tackle during this time include taking an inventory of gift cards to determine what can be kept and what can be passed on, as well as taking excess coins (all of those pennies!) and donating them to your child’s piggy bank.


Ready to get a handle on your handbag?


And, finally, we want to hear from you!

Let us know What is one thing you always have in your handbag?


4 Organized Packing Tips for Holiday Travels


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