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Embracing A Low-Toxic Lifestyle, Featuring Purely Organized
Follow our CEO Christina’s journey to a more toxic-conscious lifestyle, making intentional changes to prioritize long-term health. Plus, learn more about how our latest service offering, Purely Organized, can support your own path to a healthier, more sustainable home.
The GS Home of the Year and Your Favorite Projects in 2022
It’s that time of year again! In December, we like to take some time to reflect on the amazing collaborations we’ve worked on throughout the year. Vote on the following projects that best represent the heart and mission behind Graceful Spaces!
The GS Elegant Estate Home Tour
Take a tour of the Elegant Estate project. A true reflection of sustainable solutions. We’re completing this moving project with the systems and solutions that the Graceful Spaces team installed in a former home almost three years later. Enjoy the details and inspiration that will allow the whole family to maintain an organized home.
The GS Villa With A View Home Project
Take a tour of the Villa With A View. A project that is near to our hearts as we build closets, pantry and other spaces from the ground up. See how it went from paper to reality right here. Shop all the storage solutions that we used for the spaces with a simple click.
The GS Posh Penthouse Home Tour
Take a tour of the Posh Penthouse Project. See shoe storage for over 500 shoes, a nail polish holder converted to sunglass storage, hidden closets, and more! Shop all the storage solutions that we used for the spaces with a simple click.
Helping Little Ones Let Go
Editing and donating is a daunting, often emotional, process for adults—so it’s no surprise that kids struggle with it, too. If you’ve found yourself loading up donations under the cover of darkness, hiding the “donate” bin or fabricating elaborate stories when an item that’s left your home is suddenly missed (“visiting family, I think!”), we hear you! And we’re here to help. These strategies have served our clients—and our own kids—well in the past and we hope they’ll ease the process for your family, too.
6 Smart Tips for Keeping Your Kids’ Closets Organized
With the right system in place—one that meets their needs and clearly identifies what goes where—it’s entirely possible for little ones to maintain order and take responsibility for their closets. Simplify kid's closets and make your mornings easier in the process with these 6 smart tips.
5 Steps to a Rainbow Wardrobe
When you’re organizing your master closet, arranging your items by color is one of the last steps. We love organizing closets by color. It’s practical—you can see everything you have, avoid buying duplicates, and more easily plan your outfit each day—but it’s also so pretty. Let us show you exactly how our team of professional organizers creates rainbow wardrobe.
Snack Station Micro Challenge
If your people are in your pantry day in and day out, asking for food, moving things around, and eating their way through your supplies, a designated snack station may be just what you need to reinstate order and reign in the chaos. Follow these 10 tips for creating a snack station that’s guaranteed to please your people (and keep you sane in the process!).
The Closet Diaries
Here’s a secret—when it comes to closets, having a lot of square-footage may make your job easier, but you don’t need a massive walk-in with an island to make your space feel special. We equally love a perfectly curated, jewelbox closet where everything has a home and selecting your clothes each morning feels like a joy.