Family-friendly Design Features to Include in Your Home Build
At Graceful Spaces, our heart is to serve our communities, both locally and online, by providing unique solutions that transform lives. We are so grateful to be considered a go-to resource for organizational solutions but we’re excited to bring more expert advice from all fields regarding the home to our community of followers in our new series: Straight From the Experts!
6 Smart Tips for Keeping Your Kids’ Closets Organized
With the right system in place—one that meets their needs and clearly identifies what goes where—it’s entirely possible for little ones to maintain order and take responsibility for their closets. Simplify kid's closets and make your mornings easier in the process with these 6 smart tips.
5 Steps to a Rainbow Wardrobe
When you’re organizing your master closet, arranging your items by color is one of the last steps. We love organizing closets by color. It’s practical—you can see everything you have, avoid buying duplicates, and more easily plan your outfit each day—but it’s also so pretty. Let us show you exactly how our team of professional organizers creates rainbow wardrobe.
Snack Station Micro Challenge
If your people are in your pantry day in and day out, asking for food, moving things around, and eating their way through your supplies, a designated snack station may be just what you need to reinstate order and reign in the chaos. Follow these 10 tips for creating a snack station that’s guaranteed to please your people (and keep you sane in the process!).
10 Kids Closets to Inspire Your New System
Enjoy 10 kid’s closets that will blow your mind. With simple organizational solutions meant to empower kids to be able to keep an organized closet up themselves. We’re revealing 10 kids closets that have unique solutions that you won’t want to miss!
Essentials For Building a Kitchen
Wether you are preparing for a move and determining what you should take with you, unpacking and trying to understand what you are missing, or simply dedicated to creating a functional kitchen that work for you, this list will help you understand what items you have and fill in any holes. To provide some support as you organize your kitchen we’ve put together a list of common kitchen essentials.
Closet Cleanse Challenge BONUS Day 5 : Showing up Boldly & Keeping It Up
Our ultimate goal for you is that you finish your project and can report back in a year, “I organized my home and it STAYED organized! So we’re adding one last BONUS DAY! The final step is to establish healthy habits to ensure the long-term sustainability of the systems you’ve created. Practice makes permanent. Routines reduce stress and ensure you’re able to accomplish your goals. They also support creativity and eliminate the decision fatigue that causes so many of us to give in and compromise at the end of a long day.
Closet Cleanse Challenge Day 4 : Putting it all Together
Organizational product is the tool that will keep your categories from bleeding together and the number one way to maximize your space. Bonus, it will give you the boutique feeling that allows you to “shop” your own closet every day.
We’ve gathered our favorite organizational product that we’ve used time and again. All guaranteed to stand the test of time, and of course look beautiful! Utilize the resources below to choose the right organizational product for your space and style
Closet Cleanse Challenge Day 3 : Dressing for your future & zone planning!
Day 3 here we are! You’ve laid an amazing foundation and now it’s time to roll up the sleeves and start designing! We’re going to keep dialing in your personalized style while we begin zone planning a space that helps you create a closet that you will want to shop from every day! We have to warn you.. after today you may be tempted to zone plan your whole house! Whooo hoo!
Closet Cleanse Challenge Day 2 : Editing with Intention
Welcome to Day 2! Where to start? Editing! The intentional process of going through each category of your closet, item by item, and deciding what to keep, donate or toss. A key step that professional organizers use for sustainability. The editing organizing system will help you determine what belongs together and what could be stored effectively elsewhere.
10 Ways to Maximize Your Master Closet
There are 10 key actions that you can do to support your goal of a organized home. We’ve shared the top 10 action that we as professional organizers find support sustainability for an organized home.