Closet Organizing: Your Ultimate Guide
Create systems and storage that work for you
Closets can be tricky because it’s tempting to use the hidden space as a catch-all for odds and ends. But with the right systems in place, you can create closet systems that are useful, beautiful, and primed to keep you organized and ready for the day.
At Graceful Spaces, clients work with us to create a custom plan for their closets that pair function with style. Plus, our strategy includes daily and weekly habits you can use to keep things tidy effortlessly.
Your closet should be a place that motivates you and supports your goals for the day. Read on for a comprehensive guide to organizing your closets like a pro:
General Closet Organization Tips
While we’ve dedicated specific sections in this guide to the main closets in your home, there are a few general guidelines you should keep in mind for any project you tackle.
The first step to any closet project is to take everything out of the closet and group it into categories. There’s real magic to seeing your belongings outside their natural space, and this will help you identify trends, duplicates and rarely used items.
Pairing down things in your closet requires intention. As you consider each item, be willing to feel whatever comes up and use that emotion to guide whether it should be kept, moved elsewhere or donated.
You can also use a simple logical guide. If you have four black dresses but hate the color black, you know you can release some.
When putting things back in your closet, organize items into zones, so you know exactly where to find that sweater when you need it. (Warning— zone planning can get pretty addictive! You’ll soon find yourself wanting to implement this step in every corner of your house.)
Always label even if you are the only one using the items. Clear boundaries ensure sustainability.
Not enough room? Consider storing out-of-season items in a hall closet, high shelves, or in an attic. The semi-annual rotation will also provide a natural time for editing and refreshing your organization.
Looking For More Ideas?
Check out our five-day closet cleanse challenge:
Make It Last
Now that everything has a place, tidying up should be pretty straightforward. Make an effort to put things away right after using them, and take time every week to check for any items that need to be rehomed or donated.
Invest In Your Dream
What does your dream master closet look like? Our team works with clients to fill the space with clothing and accessories that make them feel organized and confident.
Taking the time to sort through your stuff isn’t just a step in the process— it’s an opportunity to make sure you surround yourself with things you love.
If you want to feel like you’re shopping in your own master closet, try adding coordinating hangers and hooks to give it a boutique look. Other products like jewelry stands and baskets can add a pop of personality to the space while retaining function.
Pro tip: walk into your closet and identify where your eye goes first. That is the perfect location for your most beautiful items and a little functional decor.
Are things feeling a little crowded? Scroll down for our tips on storing items by season.
Embrace Today
Edit your closet with the mindset of what you want for your future. Dressing for the past can make it easy to hold on to clothing that no longer suits us. We want you to feel good about every piece that goes in your closet.
Not sure if you will use it again? Set a dollar limit, anything below the limit needs to go, and IF you need it again (chances are you won’t), you can repurchase. Intentionally keep only investment items that are worth the space.
Kids’ Closet Organization Tips
We like to make organization a family affair, and bedroom closets are a fantastic place to start! Bring your child into the fun straight away as you take out the contents of your closet and put them into categories.
Kids are amazingly adaptive, and the right system in place will ensure their closet stays in tip-top shape all year long. Use labels with baskets and bins to remind your child where everything goes. Younger children might prefer pictures instead of words, so feel free to get creative.
Like with other closets, you’ll want to plan in zones. Keep favorite items down low in easy reach and utilize higher-hanging shelves and hooks for parent-controlled storage.
Always add the following baskets up high to ensure the daily down low stays usable and uncluttered: "Donate," "Next Season," "Next Size," "To Sell."
For more ideas, check out these posts:
Make It Last
Keep clutter and unused clothing to a minimum with a Waiting Bin. Place any clothing they’ve outgrown or toys they no longer use in the bin. if it hasn’t been requested in a month, you’re clear to donate it!
Seasonal Organization Tips
We love storing things by season to cut down on clutter and keep relevant clothing in the spotlight.
Carefully pack away off-season items in clearly labeled plastic bins to keep things protected. Make sure everything is clean before storing and avoid overstuffing your boxes to prevent wrinkling.
For best results, keep your storage containers in a climate-controlled space. That way, they’ll be fresh and ready when you need them.
Make It Last
Make editing your clothing and accessories a part of the process. Every time you do a seasonal swap, audit your wardrobe for duplicate or unused items you can donate.
Need A Helping Hand?
Are you feeling a little overwhelmed by your closets? No problem— we’re here to help!
While we believe everyone can become organized, working with a professional on your initial strategy can be a huge timesaver.
Whether you’re looking for DIY courses or a 1:1 experience, our Graceful Spaces team will work with you to create a plan tailored to your home and your family’s unique needs.
We’ll be with you every step of the way.
— Rebecka, Christina, & the Graceful Spaces Team
Psst— looking for inspiration? Follow us on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. You can also check out Austin client home tours on our blog: